
Showing posts from June, 2015

Father's Day and other tales

How typical is it that it has been a year and a half since I have posted?  Sad.  If I did half the things I said I was going to do...but anyway.  So why today?  Something's on my mind, that's why - and thanks for asking!  Father's Day.  Each and every year, I dread Father's Day.  Again, you might ask, why?  And I have no idea, really.  For some strange reason, Father's day represents loss and heartache and sadness to me.  No matter how prepared I think I am for the day, I wake up and I feel sad.  Is it because I have no father in my life, no male figure who loves me and cares about me, no - not at all.  I guess that's why it doesn't make tons of sense. The Pastor at my church always talks about how Mother's Day and Father's Day can be particularly difficult for people.  Maybe they have lost a parent, maybe they don't have a good relationship with that parent, maybe the parent abandoned them.  Maybe this is my answer...