
Showing posts from October, 2019

Suffering and other things that suck

Suffering .... sucks.  Big time.   Suffering really sucks when it's someone  you love doing the suffering. I figured out a long time ago that one of the worst things we  can ever go through  is watching someone we love ...suffer.    I disappeared a little...from this blog,  from my friends, from life a little bit.   It's what I almost always do  when life gets a little overwhelming.   And overwhelming is a bit of an understatement for lately. We are a bit of a mess.  It was so hot and we moved all her stuff in. My daughter went away to college.   That's awesome.   Dropping her off and driving away,  not so awesome.  My heart hurt really badly.   I got a whole evening in of feeling sorry  for myself... .sobbing and feeling sorry for myself.   But it didn't last. In the mornin...