Pledge to Know the Five Signs and other important PSAs

There is a stigma attached to mental illness. No seriously, I didn't just make that up. There is. A stigma. Attached to mental illness. Apparently, people don't see the entire phrase of mental illness . It's not mental weakness, or mental laziness, or mental irresponsibility. It's mental illness. And it's not a dirty word. It's an illness, like other illnesses...diabetes, heart disease, asthma. People don't want to talk about it; certainly not in polite conversation. Nothing stops the fun at a party quicker than, "hey, I've got depression." People don't always understand and so they turn away from the unpleasantness. Because of that, people suffering from mental illness don't always speak up - thinking they will be ridiculed for their symptoms, that people will find them weak, that they will not be taken seriously. But here's the thing. WE can end the stigma, we can help our friends, our neighbors,...