
Showing posts from December, 2017

Everyone in life is going to hurt you and other musings I wish were not true

So I'm curious, do you ever wake up and wonder to yourself if anyone would notice if you simply dropped off the face of the earth?  I don't know it if is common to wonder about this or if it is weird.  I've been weird now for so long I am not sure sometimes what is weird and what is normal.  And what is normal anyway?  Someone told me once normal was a setting on a washer and dryer.  Yeah, makes sense.  I am sure someone out there has a group or a department that would be all too happy to answer my question, is that weird or is it normal.  I imagine their department is probably part of the group of people who enjoy judging those around them and who make it their job to do it on a daily basis, loudly and continually.  Just a thought? Anyway, I am having one of those days where I am fairly certain no one would notice if I simply dropped off the face of the earth.  I don't know, maybe I just feel sorry for myself, or maybe it's hormones, or ...

On today's episode of The Big Suck and other moments of frustration

It's Tuesday night, the day after Christmas.  It's cold here, bitterly, and it's been a long day. I have written about my daughter's battle with multiple chronic illnesses before, some of you will remember.  I pride myself on staying positive, being positive, and trying to convince her to be positive.  Some days, the emphasis is on "trying" and not doing and today is one of those days.  Most recently, one of Liz's medications was increased, for good reason.  This is the second increase in a couple months.  She knew what to expect....several days of suck, side effects, discomfort as her body adjusted to the increase, followed by a bright, shining light that suddenly appeared through the dark clouds.  Well, it's been days and we're patiently waiting for the light.  Sigh.  The several days of suck, well those arrived promptly.  Perfect timing too, with Christmas and such.  So yeah, no stress there.  Not to mention, it's cold....