When life gives you lemons....and other pull yourself together moments

I apologize in advance because this one is going to be all over the place, because I have been all over the place lately. I am doing the best I can with what I have to work with. Life is not easy. Lately, it's been a gigantic bucket of suck. But I am getting up out of bed every day and making it work, or trying to make it work. Yeah, it hasn't been pretty - there's been more coffee consumed than ever, not to mention wine, but we are making it go. I know lots of people have life all figured out - I do, I know this. Lots of people, apparently, accomplish their to do list every day, keep their house clean all the time, always have gas in their car, their laundry is always done and their emotional health - well, I don't know what their emotional health is, but they appear to have it all together. And I am glad about that, glad for them. But here on the other side, where the rest of us live, I am just trying to get by, one day at a ti...