
Showing posts from 2012

Random thoughts and other insecurities

Okay, so it does occur to me that not every post has to be well thought out...some are just plain going to be random and meaningless and just my spouting off thoughts that are well...random.  So here is a thought for today.  I dropped Liz off at school this morning.  Lots of mornings, she rides the bus and lots of mornings I drive her to school...depends on the schedule and what time we wake up and so forth.  We have been having a tough time getting up in the morning because we are both recovering from the flu which kept us mostly in bed for three or four days...good times!!  Today hasn't started out particularly well, but it is my positive assumption that that means the day has nowhere to go but up...we shall see.  On a high note, amongst the lunch packing and arguing about the usual stuff (Liz is we argue...parents of tweens, need I say more?), Liz scrounged around to look for her iPod this morning while telling me the spring concert at sch...

My Mom and Other Super Heros

 Mom and Kierstin  My mom's birthday is today. She is a 61 year old mother of three, grandmother of five. She lives with my stepfather, Dale (okay, they are not actually married but a marriage certificate is not what makes you married or my heart, he is my stepfather). She is a hard-working, loving, funny and compassionate woman. She is my mother and I don't toss the word around lightly. She taught me the most important lessons of my life - two of them are how to be a mother (nothing is more valuable to me than this) and how to survive (this lesson has been put to the test and here I am). Three years ago, Liz and I spoke with my Mom about 7:30 pm to wish her a Happy Birthday. She was grateful for the call and in a good mood and we had a nice talk. When the phone at work rang the next morning and the receptionist told me it was my sister, I was sure she was going to tell me she was in labor. My sister, Rose, was expecting her second child. Her voice was...

Relationships and other travesties

In my last post, I wrote about procrastinations and things I mean to do, but don't.'s just not something I do. Have I done it - yes; will I do it again - as the magic 8 ball would say - doubtful.  Why? you might ask.  Giant SIGH!  I don't know...well, I guess I do know but would rather deny the reasons, or ignore the reasons, or...make excuses.  Dating means you have to sell yourself (not like that, get your mind out of the gutter); I mean you have to put your best foot forward - you know, say good things about yourself, tell funny stories, seem interesting, pretend you don't have flaws and worst of all, take a risk, have some faith and give it a chance.  I have spent the last six years of my life trying to remember who I am...I lost myself along the way somewhere.  It was not a fun trip - finding myself.  I had to admit lots of things about myself that I really didn't like and I am not completely ready to forgive myself for some of t...

I write lists of the things I am going to do...and other confessions

Ok, so New Year's Day has come and gone...and I have spent the day thinking about all the things I intend to do in 2012...all the things I am certain I need to stop procrastinating about and just do.   I talk about doing things...I think about doing things...I write lists of the things I am going to do...and I dream about things I am going to do...but I am not one to do them.   If I ever did half the things I set out to do....well, let's just say I would no longer consider myself a procrastinator.   My long list of things to stop procrastinating about includes writing a blog.   I have a lot to say - all those who know me know I have a lot to say.   I am rarely speechless, have lots of opinions and plenty of details and stories to input about just about any conversation topic.   Writers block is not something I am familiar with.   I think the chance that I have anything to say that anyone would actually read a blog to find out is slim to none, however, ...