I write lists of the things I am going to do...and other confessions

Ok, so New Year's Day has come and gone...and I have spent the day thinking about all the things I intend to do in 2012...all the things I am certain I need to stop procrastinating about and just do.  I talk about doing things...I think about doing things...I write lists of the things I am going to do...and I dream about things I am going to do...but I am not one to do them.  If I ever did half the things I set out to do....well, let's just say I would no longer consider myself a procrastinator.  My long list of things to stop procrastinating about includes writing a blog.  I have a lot to say - all those who know me know I have a lot to say.  I am rarely speechless, have lots of opinions and plenty of details and stories to input about just about any conversation topic.  Writers block is not something I am familiar with.  I think the chance that I have anything to say that anyone would actually read a blog to find out is slim to none, however, because this is what I want and because I don't want to be told I can't, here I am...blogging...after talking about it for a really long time. 
One of my favorite topics of conversation...for which I never run out of conversational gammet...is my child.  She is 11 and beautiful (despite the fact that I am the ugly ducking of my family - more on that later), she is smart (ok, she somewhat comes by that honestly, I think - more on that later as well), and she is compassionate, thoughtful, intellectually curious (thank you Becky for that description of Liz...you are so right) and above all, a blessing to my simple life.  My life is simple...I work, I parent, I operate on the domesticity requirements, I occassionally spend time with family and friends (should do a whole lot more of this, but I am a hermit, I have to admit), and then I rinse and repeat.  There are other tidbits in between, but you get it...I am predictable and simple and well, okay, kind of dull.  It is what it is.  Another interesting tidbit about Liz is she is resilient.  Life hasn't exactly been simple or easy the past several years but she keeps on going.  People probably dread hearing me say...one more time... that Liz could teach adults how to behave during bad times.  But there you have it...that is the kind of kid she is, plain and simple. 
And just like that, I have checked one item off my extraordinarily long list of things to accomplish in 2012!!  I am thoroughly looking forward to 2012 and have immense hope that it will be a good year - the kind of year I have been waiting patiently for - the kind of year where things will change (for the better) and where I will cross things to do off my list and I will have something more to show in January 2013 than just survival...not that there is anything wrong with survival, I am just ready for more...know what I mean?


  1. As you expand your blog you will find it will be a great gift later. I have printed out the first year of mine and it is such a great collection of memories for years to come and to look back on, most importantly when the kids are grown and we tend to forget. I hope to get each year printed out over time. Good luck and welcome to the blogging world.


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