Procrastination and other nasty habits
A day late and a dollar short. It's an expression I use a lot...I mean A LOT! Why? Because it is a cool expression, it's a great excuse? Nope- because it suits me to a tee. It's who I am - unfortunately.
I despise procrastination, when others procrastinate and when it affects me. So yeah, you probably think this makes me one of those annoying women who have it all together - right? Picture it - clean closets, freshly vacumned car interior, all bills paid on time, paperwork completed and filed, on time for everything and always prepared.,...the fridge full of healthy, nutritious meals, the dishes and laundry always done. No. Just no. That's not me. It's me on the inside - who I want to be. But it's not me. I am a day late and a dollar short.
I want to wake up early, refreshed and energetic - exercise, spend time with the Lord, have a healthy breakfast all before I wake up my child prodigy for the day to get ready for school. I want to have energy at the end of the day for all the things I am sure are worthy of accomplishing. I want to floss, scrub, brush and moisturize before bed.
If I did all the things I thought about doing in a day, all the things I write on my many to-do lists, I would be a fiercesome one to behold. But alas, while my heart is in the right place, my head just can't get there. I thought by this point in my life, it would have gotten better - the procrastination - but that ugly, two-headed monster has proven me wrong. You know where thought gets you, right? Man is not judged by what he intends to do...what he plans to do, what is written in his to-do list.
Yeah, well man may not be judged quite so severly as woman. Please - women sit around picking each other apart! They look at every facet of another women's life and explain how they could have done it better. This, folks, is not helpful to those of us who are trying to do the very best we can. I have the greatest intentions in the many of my counterparts - to have a clean home, an organized life, a full refrigerator, all paperwork completed and the family healthy and happy. I look at pinterest for ways to help, I make forms up on my computer, I pray for these skills, I tell myself Monday morning will be different. But it isn't. I start Bible studies that I never finish, I have books galore around the house that are waiting to be completed, I write the same taks on my to-do lists over and over in the hopes today will be the day. I try - I really and honestly do. I want to be that person I have described. It means so much to me. But exhaustion, television, books, family, laziness, and worry and distraction always manage to get in my way.
So the question tonight do I change all that? How do you all "get it all done", "keep it all together", eliminate a "day late and dollar short" mentaility. Please, tell a sister out. Help me reach the promised land. Help out anyone else who happens to read this blog and most desperately wants to get it together. Thanks! I thank you from the bottom of my heart as I sit here writing wearing my last pair of clean pajamas (laundry needs to be done), munching on stale m & m's and sipping Chardonnay, which I purchased on sale....after my wine stores were completely empty. Do I know how to master this day late and a dollar short thing or what?
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