It Doesn't Look Good For Us, My Friend
Chaos has been unleashed
People are dying in the streets
When's it gonna end
It doesn't look good for us, my friend
Thoughts and prayers
And heartbreak is near
For people we love
People we hold dear
Friend or foe, these days
It’s hard to know
When’s it gonna end?
It doesn’t look good for us, my friend
Hate, hate, it’s everywhere
Where can we be safe
Where can we find peace
When can we get there
We can’t get along
We can’t listen or hear
We can't agree and don’t even try
We can’t be kind? Why? Why?
Sadness, sadness every day
More bad news, more people die
Or they live and they suffer
And we don’t even try
When’s it gonna end
It doesn’t look good for us, my friend
It gets closer and closer, every day
We think, we’ll just go, we’ll move away
Where, where are you gonna go
Where you will be safe
With no violence, no hate
No corner of this earth has peace
When’s it gonna end?
It doesn’t look good for us, my friend
The torrents, the drought, the fires, the heat
Whole towns in disarray
The smoke spreads over the land
Clogs our breathing, sticks in our throat
Our ship is sinking, something new every day
When’s it gonna end
It doesn’t look good for us, my friend
The tears, they fall, just like the rain
The prayers are desperate, desperate like the pain
Sickness, disease, hunger and neglect
The most vulnerable, we are meant to protect
But we look away, we don’t want to see
It only matters if it happens to me
When’s it gonna end
It doesn’t look good for us, my friend
The world is ending, that’s what people say
But I feel it ended, on a quiet day
You can’t disagree, it causes insult
You can’t offend, it causes massive change; not in a good way
You can’t read books, ‘cause they might make you think
You can’t love who you love,
Unless people say it’s okay
The weak, the meak, we are meant to protect
But they are inconvenient
Not a part of our day
So we see the suffering, but we look away
It doesn’t affect me, so I’ll keep going my way
When’s it gonna end
It doesn’t look good for us, my friend
I sit in quiet contemplation
Pain in my heart is white hot
And I think about my blessings, so many
And I pray for those without
I reach for my faith and I know He is there
But these difficult days, these chaos days
Make the time so hard to bear
He walks beside me, I have no doubt
And I pray for Him to show up
In the lives of those who need Him most
Before it is too late, this collision course with fate
We can turn things around, I pray, I hope
We can help our neighbors, families, and friends
Those we’ve never even met
We can be kind, lend a hand, help each other up
Watch what we say, politely disagree
Let go of the hate, before it eats us alive
That’s the only way we’re likely to survive
When’s it gonna end
It doesn’t look good for us, my friend
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